So there are so many things to say as I write this in Rome the night before I try and run a Metric Mile, 1500 meters, in 6:50 or less to complete my “Half as Fast” double.

Like, I’m nervous. Like I’m excited. Like the second race suddenly seems more imposing than the first. It is so interesting that I have that feeling in the pit of my stomach that in the morning I have a race to complete. Not normal for me. But great.

Also great is all of the support that has come our way in the last week since the Mile Run in the Stadio Olimpico. Donations, travel help and just general words of encouragement. It has been humbling and, fortunately, we are well on our way to reaching the goal to purchase a Bionic Suit for the Bridging Bionics Foundation.

Keep it coming folks.

But I thought I would use these last few moments before I slumber to pay homage to Todd Rundgren, my Lord and personal savior who has not only provided the soundtrack to my life but has as also provided the soundtrack to my training. Long runs and short ones all powered by Todd.

Unless you are a devotee you probably know songs like “We gotta get you a woman or “Hello It’s Me” but there is so, so, so much more to the Todd collection than just the hits. For an amazing example of a portrait of an “Artist as a Mature Man” simply tune into the Todd performance in Amsterdam with The Metropole Orchestra on You Tube.

His pre-intermission performance of “Second Wind” is as inspiring as watching the young Italian Pietro Mennea running a world record in the 200m in 1979. And believe me I have watched and been inspired by both this very evening.

There will be more on Todd as we move forward, But tonight, the only Todd lyric that matters is “I Love My Life.”

Wish me well. Ciao.


 A Wizard. A True Star, Todd Rundgren 

 A Wizard. A True Star, Todd Rundgren